Allegory Gallery — Week in Review

Allegory Gallery — Week in Review

Hello Friends!

Welcome to our Week in Review!

This week at Allegory Gallery has been a big one. It's the very first week of our 13th year in business! After the start of our 12th Anniversary Celebration last Friday, we've been busy working on new products and presentations for you! 

Last Friday, we had a meet-up on Zoom for our 12th Anniversary. We did a lot of give aways of some of our previously sold kits, and during that, we realized that many people hadn't even seen some of the kits that we had in the giveaway. As many of you know, we discontinued most of our previously sold kits a few months ago. After seeing how many people hadn't seen some of them, we wanted to give one more last-hurrah for the kits. So, on Monday, we dedicated our live broadcast to selling these kits one last time at 25% off. We also had some awesome new glass cabochons that we had available during that live at really amazing prices. If you missed that, you can catch the live again on our YouTube channel here:

On Tuesday, we did a two-part live where Andrew showed how to do a basic kumihimo braid technique using some of our columnar-stitched silk cord. Later that evening, William started off a video showing some more of our discounted kits, and then Andrew finished up the kumihimo demo showing how to apply bead cones and a toggle to the braid—creating a necklace.

Watch these lives here: 

Part 1:

Part 2:

Then, on Wednesday, William posted some of his latest pottery for sale in the online store and did a very quick live before his pottery class on them in the afternoon. This batch of pottery was from his wood-fired kiln class, and if you missed any of his journey through that process, you can check it out on his William Tries Things page on Facebook by clicking here. 

You can catch the replay of that short video here:

View all of William's available products here:

We also started a new concept called "Found in Store". We sometimes do video store tours, but we can't do them incredibly often, and we know that some people aren't always able to watch the videos. So, every week, over as many days as we can, we'll be posting small groups of photos on our Facebook timeline that you can claim directly in the comments of each photo. We've done this for years in our various destash groups, but we rarely do this on our timeline. If people enjoy it, we'll continue to do this. 

See our Facebook timeline here:

On Thursday, we added some more items to the Found in Store series for the week, and we showed the last of our 25% discounted kits during our live broadcast. We also had a great Let's Chat session with folks all over the world during that broadcast. It felt great to really sit down with people and have a chance to just chat and discuss our lives together. We really love our Let's Chat sessions, and while we are a business and need to show products, we wish we could do more of these more often! 

Thursday was a busy day! We also revealed the finished project that Andrew's been working on over the past few weeks. If you missed his seed beaded creation, we hope you'll stop to take a look toward the end of the live video! We're having a naming contest, so be sure to get your answer in the comments for that video before we pick a winner! You can also see it in a quick reel that Andrew made on his artist page, Andrew Thornton Artist, here:

Catch a replay of this video here:

We also updated the Sale Collection in our online store by removing some of the previously on-sale items and adding some new ones! If you don't know, our online store has a section where something is always on sale here at Allegory Gallery and we change those items weekly or biweekly. It's really important to us that there is always something on sale for those who need it (or just like to get a bargain). These items are usually marked at 15% off or greater for a week or two. 

Check out our Sale Collection here:


Friday was in-store classes at Allegory Gallery, and our teacher, Jenn, had a great time with multiple generations coming into the store learning together. It's the start of Andrew's birthday weekend, and he and William spent some of the day together outside of the store. Part of that time, however, was preparing for our live later in the afternoon. Inevitably, when we ask for suggestions or what people want to learn from us, we nearly always get "soldering". So, for Andrew's birthday and as a gift for everyone (these aren't easy to do with flame and cameras!), we put together a live where Andrew shows his thought process and design process a bit, and then does a quick demo on how to solder using a torch. If you missed it, we think it's a video you'll definitely want to see here:

And finally, this morning, we released our Saturday Morning Tutorial at 8:30am (ET). This week, our in-store teacher, Jenn Tuschong of JNTCreations, shows how to make the lovely Fall Mum Earrings. The idea of our Saturday Morning Tutorials is to give you some inspiration to kick off your weekend. We usually link products available in the descriptions of the video if it makes sense, but sometimes these tutorials are more meant to give you the inspiration and then see what you can do with the items in your stash. We love seeing what people make from them each week, and if you make something (or want to see what others are doing), visit our Allegory Gallery Design Challenge Group on Facebook and post your deigns (or look at others) here:

All in all, it was a super busy and productive week. We've been working on a ton of things behind the scenes, and we're super excited about them. We have big plans going forward, and we want you to be a part of our journey. We're going to try to do these Week in Review wrap-ups each week, so if you ever miss out on some of the things we do, these blogs posts should be a great place for you to check things out.

Thank you so much for helping us celebrate our twelve years in business, and for venturing into the 13th year with us. We couldn't be happier than you're here to share this journey with us!

Your friends,

William & Andrew

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