Desert Succulent Design Challenge Kit
We’ve just released a new Design Challenge Kit during our spot on The Great Bead Extravaganza this morning!

This is the beautiful Desert Succulent Kit, now available at https://www.allegorygallery.com/collections/tgbe-tucson-2022/products/design-challenge-kit-desert-succulent
If you are new to us at Allegory Gallery, we create these kits so that you can create wonderful things from your own imagination. These kits don’t already have a project in mind with instructions. It’s our hope that you’ll take some of the techniques that we show you in our Lives at 5 and other tutorials, and use them to make gorgeous pieces of jewelry. And when you do make them, we hope that you’ll join the Allegory Gallery Design Challenge Group on Facebook and show off what you’ve made!

Each Design Challenge Kit has a Reveal Date shown in the listing, and that’s when we’ll put an album up in the group and everyone can add their creations to it (but don’t share before; it’s so much fun to see everyone debut theirs together!). You can get more information in the kit’s description in our online store.

Thank you all for taking a look! We’re a small bead store located in Ligonier, PA in the lovely Laurel Highlands, and we’re doing our very best to bring you a wonderfully curated selection of beady goodness! If you’re ever in the area, we hope you’ll stop by our brick-and-mortar store to say hello! We truly believe in the power of Community—whether that’s online or in-person, we want to get to know you and welcome you to our space!